This confidentiality agreement, Alacam Orthodontics (Address: Mustafa Kemal Mah. 2118. Cad. Maidan Business Center A Block, No:126 Çankaya/Ankara) and [NAME AND INFORMATION OF THE SERVICE PROVIDER] in the field of [NAME OF THE AREA FROM WHICH SERVICE IS RECEIVED] services.

In this text, Alacam Orthodontics as HIZMET ALAN will be referred to as the SERVICE RECEIVER, while [NAME AND INFORMATION OF THE SERVICE PROVIDER] will be referred to as the SERVICE PROVIDER.

The SERVICE PROVIDER will comply with the provisions of “Contract on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data by Automatic Means,” especially the “Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698,” the provisions of the “Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity in the Application of Biology and Medicine,” medical professional ethics rules, and other ethical rules related to the subject, as well as the measures requested by the SERVICE RECEIVER when using the information and personal data received or acquired in connection with the services provided to the SERVICE RECEIVER at the clinic.

During the period in which the SERVICE PROVIDER provides services to the SERVICE RECEIVER, the SERVICE PROVIDER is obliged not to process or share personal data learned, especially special categories of personal data related to patients and their relatives, without the permission of the SERVICE RECEIVER and outside the purpose. This obligation continues indefinitely after the termination of the service relationship.

This contract covers not only personal data related to patients but also special medical techniques applied by the SERVICE RECEIVER. In this context, the SERVICE PROVIDER accepts, declares, and undertakes that they will not share with anyone the special medical practices and techniques applied at the clinic and will act in good faith and within the framework of rules of honesty and fairness related to unfair competition.

During and after the service relationship, if the SERVICE PROVIDER violates the obligations set forth in this undertaking, the SERVICE PROVIDER accepts, declares, and undertakes that the legal and criminal responsibility in this regard belongs to them and that they will unconditionally compensate for the material and moral damages suffered by the clinic and patients.

In matters not covered by this contract, the provisions of the “Contract on the Protection of Individuals with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data by Automatic Means,” the “Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698,” the provisions of the “Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity in the Application of Biology and Medicine,” the Labor Law, and other relevant legislation shall apply.

Ankara courts and enforcement offices are authorized in case of disputes arising from the implementation of this contract.

This contract has been read and signed by the parties, and a copy has been delivered to each party. [TARIH] SERVICE RECEIVER SERVICE PROVIDER

Alacam Orthodontics Name / Company Name (Seal-Signature) (Seal-Signature)

Note: [NAME AND INFORMATION OF THE SERVICE PROVIDER] and [NAME OF THE AREA FROM WHICH SERVICE IS RECEIVED] should be filled in with the actual names and details of the service provider and the service area.